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Our Platform

I'm running to represent Delaware's 29th District, which is a vibrant and diverse community. My campaign is based on four issues: worker's rights, mental health, education, and road safety. These are all very important to the health and prosperity of our district. I think that if we pay attention to these important issues, we can make our community stronger, healthier, and more fair for everyone.

Mental Health

Mental health is a critical issue that touches all aspects of our society. However, it is frequently overlooked and underfunded. As your representative, I will advocate for comprehensive mental health services that are available to everyone, regardless of income level. I will work to secure funding for mental health programs, support initiatives to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues, and ensure that our schools, workplaces, and community centers have the resources they require to promote mental health.


Education is the foundation of a thriving and informed community. I am committed to ensuring that every child in our district receives a high-quality education. This includes advocating for adequate funding for our schools, providing our teachers with competitive wages and professional development opportunities, and ensuring that our curriculum prepares students for the challenges of the twenty-first century. I will also focus on expanding vocational training and apprenticeship programs to provide students with multiple paths to success.

Road Safety

Our district's roads should be safe for everyone, including drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. I will work to secure funding for road improvements, increase traffic enforcement, and promote initiatives aimed at reducing accidents and fatalities. This includes advocating for better street lighting, more visible signage, and safer crosswalks and bike lanes. Road safety is a public health issue that affects all of us, not just those who use the roads.

Workers' Rights

Every worker is entitled to fair pay, safe working conditions, and the right to organize. I will advocate for workers' rights, including a living wage, policies that protect workers from discrimination and harassment, and the enforcement of labor laws. I believe that strong worker rights are the foundation of a healthy and equitable economy.

Let us work together to make our district's future brighter!

As your representative, I will listen to your concerns, represent your interests, and work tirelessly to make Delaware's 29th District a better place for everyone. Together, we can create a community that values mental health, prioritizes education, promotes road safety, and protects workers' rights. I am requesting your support in this election so that we can work together to achieve these goals.

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